About The Embassy

Afghanistan was among the first countries that recognized Indonesia’s independence in 1950, and the two countries’ relationship started since 1954. Mr. Abdul Hadi Dawi was appointed as the first political representative of Afghanistan at the Minister Counselor level establishing the embassy and running a comprehensive scope of consular administrations to local Afghans and international citizens in Indonesia. Later then, H.E. Ambassador Abdul Hamid Aziz was appointed the first Afghan ambassador to Jakarta by King Zahir Shah in 1961. Mr. Aziz served as ambassador to Jakarta until 1964. The present Ambassador H.E. Faizullah Zaki Ibrahimi was appointed Afghanistan’s Ambassador to Jakarta by President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani in 2019. The embassy of Afghanistan provides data about economy, culture, sports, education of Afghanistan to the Indonesian citizens when needed. Additional information regarding the procedures and requirements of getting Afghan Citizenship is also provided accordingly.

Mawlawi Sadullah Baloch
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